
Showing posts from August, 2018

The Incredibles: Is Mirage the Real Hero?

The Incredibles has some of the most relatable and beloved characters Pixar has turned out. Everyone who sees it can relate to at least one of the family members. Audiences remember the scene where Dash ran on water or Helen piloting the plan in complex maneuvers to keep her family safe on the way to save Bob. However, there is one character that seems to be overlooked when regarding this modern day masterpiece: Syndrome's right hand man (or should I say woman) Mirage. Her Role True to her name, Mirage's story is an illusion. Everything about her is if she doesn't exist. In fact, she even says to Bob when asking him to return to his work as Mr. Incredible: "According to the government, neither of us exist." Her business card is reflective and you can only see the image if you look at it from a specific angle. The video message that she leaves Bob is like a hologram. It's her that is the reason that the family can be superheroes throughout the re...